This is where you list your top 10 scores on High Range I.Q. tests. Area of testing is not important. Maximal number of tests by one author is 3. All tests must be active (or made by the historically important test authors) and norms on first official norm or at least with 20 submissions. Only first submissions are allowed. All scores above 100 sd15 are accepted.
ToTem score list (BY NORMS AT: 18.7.2024.)
1. Brennan Martin 1760 (GIFT Verbal II (29/32:186), GENE Verbal II (28/32: 180), GRIT (40/42: 180), Alphabet (22/26: 178), ISIS (2/5: 177), Associative LIMIT (78/90: 177), GIFT-V I (27/32: 175), Rhyming Riddles (32/32: 173), Hieroglyphica (29/32: 170,9), Reduction Riddles (31/32: 164))
2. Victor Balacescu 1712 (Challenger (35/40; 178), Numerus (23.5/30; 175.5), GIFT Numerical I (27/32; 175), Numiracle (25/26; 175), GENE Numerical II (26/32; 174), Algebrica (22/32; 172.8), Numodyssey(47/50; 170), GIFT Numerical III (27/32; 164), PatNum (17/18; 164), Mosaic (32/32; 164))
3. Domagoj Kutle 1708 (Hieroglyphica (31/32:176,3), Spectra (31/32: 174), Alphabet (20/26: 170), GENE-V III (28/32: 172), GENE-V IV (28/32: 172), GIFT-V IV (26/32: 172), GIFT V I (26/32: 170), Verba 66 (49/66: 169,1), Vision (9/30: 168), TMT-N (44/44: 165))
Tiberiu Nicolas Sammak 1708 (Reason Rev.2008 (95/96:187), Reason Behind Multiple Choice Rev. 2008 (177/196: 176), Test for Genius Rev.2016 (50/87: 175) Reduction Riddles (36/36: 173), IGNITER (32/32: 168), MACH (25/30: 168), XVLingua (26/35: 169), AdSub (20/20: 168), FIQURE (48/50: 162), GIFT Verbal III (23/32: 162))
5. Marco Falchi 1661 (GRIT (40/42:180), Marathon-Numerical (44/44:165), Psychometic qrossword (77/80:162), VNPT-II (27/32:170), Pascal (23/33:164), VNPT-I (26/32:162), Einplex (27/30:164), Cosmic (14/15:164), Mosaic (32/32:164), MultiDiv (18/18:166))
6. Niels Ellevang 1657 (Free Fall Part II (15/15:180), Anatoleia 44 (36/44: 175,2), Sigma Analogy Test (24/36: 170), LSHR Light (22/30: 167), Free Fall (27/30:166), Cosmic (14/15: 164), Alphabet (18/26: 163), Oasis (14/15: 161), Asterix (11/15: 160), Arcanum (46/65: 151))
7. Nobuo Yamashita 1647 (HoudinIQ37 (36/37: 169), Momentum (23/30: 168), Astrolab36 (29/36: 167), Illusion (14/15: 166), Fuse (26/30: 165), Labcub (22/26: 165), Numix (29/32: 164), Marathon NS (82/89:161), OASIS (14/15: 161), ASMuDi (20/20: 161))
8. Mauricio Dario Chau 1629 (Addagrams (43/44: 167), VerbaNum (13/20: 173), Quinque (28,5: 169), LIT-F II (37/42: 165), EZ-IQ (24/24: 160), Numba 2 (38/40: 163), Zultima Test (19/24: 150), Bak3ers Pr1m3 (26/31: 162), Symmetries (34/60: 160), Symbolic Spatial Scale (24/30: 160))
Javier Hilario 1629 (KIT 7.0 (14/20: 182), KIT 5.0 (7/10: 170), Illusion (14/15: 166), Lexiq (27/30: 165), WARP (33/40: 164), AGLT (40/40: 160), Verbatim (24/30: 160), Zen (1/4: 155), Vision (6/30: 154), Ninja (4/9: 153), )
10. Lukaš Puškaš 1612 (Verba 66 (49/66: 169,1), A Paranoiac`s Torture (11/28: 165), Matriq (26/40: 164), Pascal (23/33: 164), PatNum (17/18: 164), Domestiq (21/30: 162), EVE38 (34/38: 158), Arcanum (49/65: 156), ZEN (1/4: 155), Fiqure (155))
11. Lorenzo Amadori 1595 (Lexiq (27/30: 165), Xorus (26/30:163), Pinot 34 (27/34: 162), GENE Numerical IV (24/32: 160), AGLT (40/40: 160), SAN 33 (28/33: 160), Relight (19/30: 157), Symbolic Spatial Scale (22/30: 156), GIFT Verbal IV (20/32: 156), IQA-ELIT3 (15/20: 156))
12. Jewoong Moon 1547 (AsMuDi (20/20: 161), Fiqure (160), Impostor (20,5/30: 160,5), EMC-30R (22/30: 160), Celestial (13/15: 159), WIT (25/40: 153), ARM36 (35/36: 152), LIMIT (20/30: 148), LSHR Light (17/30: 147), Einplex (23/30: 147))